The Creed, or our mission statement, was written in 1880 by founder Otis Allen Glazebrook. Glazebrook, a Civil War Sergeant Aggregate (Assistant to the Sergeant) saw the world through different eyes. Listed below is what he saw with families torn from the Civil War and the things vital for future generations to understand in order to preserve not only unity in the country but for human kind. Our Creed below, illustrates those beliefs, the ones we hold fast to daily.
The Creed of Alpha Tau Omega
“ | To bind men together in a brotherhood based upon eternal and immutable principles, with a bond as strong as right itself and as lasting as humanity; to know no North, no South, no East, no West, but to know man as man, to teach that true men the world over should stand together and contend for supremacy of good over evil; to teach, not politics, but morals; to foster, not partisanship, but the recognition of true merit wherever found; to have no narrower limits within which to work together for the elevation of man than the outlines of the world: these were the thoughts and hopes uppermost in the minds of the founders of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. | ” |
-Otis Allan Glazebrook 1880
To break a part our founding principles, Glazebrook and our other founders Marshall and Ross saw that True Merit should be the aim for all men regardless of "North, South, East, or West." He sought to bind men together upon "eternal and immutable principles." That they would know and use that bond to fight the evil in the world. He saw that in the future men should teach "morals" that bind instead of politics that divide, and that while "partisanship" achieves no goals, that the recognition of that True Merit would bring people together. He wanted to find a way to unite a broken nation and saw Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity as way of doing so. He succeeded, because today I have brothers across the nation that share a ambition to achieve True Merit. Won't you be one of those individuals who will set aside life's differences and see that good that people truly do.A good Question to ask is that if you can be brothers and last through one of the bloodiest wars in history, can't your brotherhood survive anything. Isn't our brotherhood built on an amazing foundation.
What a legacy to be a part of. Since 1865, and going Strong!
Ruh Rah Rega, I'm Proud to be a Tau!
Won't You Be My Brother,
---Secret Tau
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